Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weight Loss Through Crash Dieting Safe?

weight loss fitness
Many people want to lose weight quickly, and it is normal to wonder whether weight loss through crash dieting is really that safe. Back in 2010, The Daily Mail reported that crash dieting was the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively. However, there are others who report that losing weight quickly leads to gaining it and more afterwards.
There are certain crash diets that are definitely not safe. Shortly after socialite Peaches Geldof died in April, 2014, many speculated that her diet was possibly to blame. She followed a juicing diet, and British Diet Association member Cath Collins explained that fruit juice upsets the body’s electrolyte levels and it can lead to cardiac arrest. The lack of protein could also mean that organs stop working properly, and that leads to death. The latter is something that anorexics suffer from, according to Collins.
The Daily Mail reports that a Florida study showed that crash dieting was safe. However, the details show that the weight loss was not quite as fast as some people expect when they hear the term “crash diet.” Those who were deemed successful on their diet lost on average two stone over the course of six months. A healthy loss is considered to be between one and two pounds per week. Two pounds for 26 weeks would lead to a 52 pound loss. That is more than the two stone average, which is 28 pounds.
It is important to consider whether weight loss is safe through a real crash diet. These are diets that are designed to drop tens of pounds within the course of a few weeks to a month. The diets are aimed at those wanting to fit into a bikini in time for the summer or to work off the Christmas weight gain after the New Year.
According to Kathleen M. Zelman, who writes for Web MD, the results from a crash diet do not last. People go back to eating as they used to, and that leads to the weight gain. The safest and healthiest types of weight losses are those that involve changing habits. It is possible to lose more than the healthy average of one to two pounds per week, which is gained by burning 500 calories more than eaten on a daily basis. Eating less and exercising more is the way to go.
Linda Bacon, PhD, a nutritionist in California states that crash diets are not safe. They harm the health, and can also harm the heart. The nutrients are being restricted, so the body does not get everything it needs to work properly.
However, crashing dieting just the once is not going to do any lasting damaged, according to Weill Cornell Medical College professor and cardiologist, Isadore Rosenfield. She states that repeatedly following fad diets causes the problem. Cutting out a large amount of calories to lose weight quickly can lead to the heart losing muscle. The blood vessels are damaged and micro tears can appear.
It is generally best to follow a healthy eating plan for a sustainable, long-term loss of weight. While a crash diet is not going to harm the health on one occasion, it is not a safe option for long-term or regular weight loss.
Shared by your friend Thomas Blackmore
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